

"You help me stick to the goals that I set for myself. Before I had your support, I would reach a glass ceiling with my goals or get distracted. I know that you'll help me take a rough idea I have for a new service and develop it into a revenue stream. One of the things I like about working with you is that you continually look at what is in my best interest, even more than I do! You consistently challenge my assumptions and challenge my thinking. Something that translates into me being a lot more effective in my job. The biggest surprise I've experienced in coaching is just how some of the seemingly simple changes that I have made have turned out to be life changers. I know that I can come to you with a problem and that you'll actually hear me out instead of trying to solve it too quickly. I like to solve my own problems and the perspective/questions you bring, help me to do that, my way.
Green Mountain Life Coach
"You help me stick to the goals that I set for myself. Before I had your support, I would reach a glass ceiling with my goals or get distracted. I know that you'll help me take a rough idea I have for a new service and develop it into a revenue stream. One of the things I like about working with you is that you continually look at what is in my best interest, even more than I do! You consistently challenge my assumptions and challenge my thinking. Something that translates into me being a lot more effective in my job. The biggest surprise I've experienced in coaching is just how some of the seemingly simple changes that I have made have turned out to be life changers. I know that I can come to you with a problem and that you'll actually hear me out instead of trying to solve it too quickly. I like to solve my own problems and the perspective/questions you bring, help me to do that, my way.