

"I was hanging out with my friend Natalie today, talking about what we want our lives to be like and I had a moment of realizing that both of us are really doing it...that our lives are taking the shape we want them to...that we are actually living the way we want to live, pursuing the work we want to be doing.
I also ran into another girlfriend I hadn't seen in a while the other day and she was talking about how she's facing some big life decisions and is struggling with the fact that she doesn't feel like she has really made an effort or is actively pursuing her dreams and that is a big factor in the choices she has to make right now. We were talking about the importance of feeling like you've really given it your you haven't sold yourself short or let your fear (or whatever) stop you from trying to manifest your dreams. We agreed that as hard as it can be, it is much more satisfying to be in the process of striving to attain your goals than to just keep them in your head or your heart without giving them a chance.
So I want to thank you for supporting me in my process...for being a strong, intelligent, compassionate woman in my life who gives me such unconditional, non-judgmental support and guidance.  Thank you for being my coach!"

Tiana Markova

Journal Photographer

Green Mountain Life Coach

Tiana Markova

Journal Photographer

"I was hanging out with my friend Natalie today, talking about what we want our lives to be like and I had a moment of realizing that both of us are really doing it...that our lives are taking the shape we want them to...that we are actually living the way we want to live, pursuing the work we want to be doing. I also ran into another girlfriend I hadn't seen in a while the other day and she was talking about how she's facing some big life decisions and is struggling with the fact that she doesn't feel like she has really made an effort or is actively pursuing her dreams and that is a big factor in the choices she has to make right now. We were talking about the importance of feeling like you've really given it your you haven't sold yourself short or let your fear (or whatever) stop you from trying to manifest your dreams. We agreed that as hard as it can be, it is much more satisfying to be in the process of striving to attain your goals than to just keep them in your head or your heart without giving them a chance. So I want to thank you for supporting me in my process...for being a strong, intelligent, compassionate woman in my life who gives me such unconditional, non-judgmental support and guidance.  Thank you for being my coach!"