

Coaching conversations with you always help me to look at new possibilities and open up new potential in others and myself.    You are fun, you laugh easily and often.  Many people move through life on automatic pilot, earning their keep, doing their jobs, raising their families, but often complaining about the things they "can't do." They never see excitement in the newness of each day.  It's wonderful and refreshing to have a relationship with someone who shares my philosophy of wanting to live life with energy and excitement and knowing something great is just around the bend. "

Vivian Cullen

Community Action Wellness Coordinator

Green Mountain Life Coach

Vivian Cullen

Community Action Wellness Coordinator

Coaching conversations with you always help me to look at new possibilities and open up new potential in others and myself.    You are fun, you laugh easily and often.  Many people move through life on automatic pilot, earning their keep, doing their jobs, raising their families, but often complaining about the things they "can't do." They never see excitement in the newness of each day.  It's wonderful and refreshing to have a relationship with someone who shares my philosophy of wanting to live life with energy and excitement and knowing something great is just around the bend. "